Interview with Karen
What prepared you to be a coach?
Life! (I also have a masters’ degree and was a management consultant.) I have taken a variety of courses in communication, relationships, self-expression and leadership.
I am a certified professional life coach (for those who feel comfort in my holding a piece of paper).
I spent years as a small business owner and dance teacher working closely with clients. A life long interest in reading about personal growth and development has given me a good foundation of knowledge. Dancing at an early age taught me the art of connection, which is a subtle form of communication.
Who are your ideal clients?
Ideal clients include: people who would like their lives to be easier, those who are struggling with communication at work or relationships at home, those who tend not to speak up or sometimes over commit, people who are ready to take charge of their lives and those who are interested in finding out how to create a life that suits them.
What type of person gains the most from working with you?
People who are open-minded and flexible tend to experience the fastest changes. If you are willing to try on a new perspective and consider a different approach, I believe we would work well together. I also have an open, accepting style with a sense of humor so you would want to feel comfortable in that type of relationship with me.
If you are happy with your life, believe it can’t be changed, or would rather gripe about your life instead of making changes, then it wouldn’t make sense for me to coach you.
Does your coaching work?
I have had success with a number of very different clients in a small number of sessions. Clients are excited to continue when they realize they are achieving one goal after another. They are often amazed when they discover how much power they have to change the quality of their lives. Previously they believed their life was firmly set in stone. I can show you just how flexible your life can be.
What results can I expect?
Often clients experience a difference almost immediately. Their communication becomes more effective. They discover that they are spending less time worrying or analyzing. They have more energy and feel peaceful. They are increasingly recognized as people who speak up and say what is on their mind – but in a positive, kind, assertive manner. They have fewer issues cropping up both at work and home. People interested in management positions find they are finally seen as leaders.
How will we work together?
Hour long sessions are held in person if clients are in the local Boston area. Otherwise sessions are held by phone. Sessions are typically one hour in length and are usually held every one to two weeks to allow time to incorporate changed behavior.
What is expected of the client?
Action items might be agreed upon each session, though clients can decide to make changes or not. Typically these would involve a change of perspective or practice speaking up.
How would I start?
You can email me to set up a brief complimentary conversation. At this session we would determine whether this coaching arrangement would be a fit. In addition, I can answer questions to aid you in choosing the correct package.
Can I call you to discuss coaching?
It is best to send me an email. That way we can set up a convenient time for a brief complimentary conversation by phone to discuss coaching.