What is the difference between Coaching and Therapy?

Karen and Jennifer picking apples
Therapy tends to be focused on the past, while coaching is oriented toward the future.  In coaching, there is much less concern with what happened in your past.  Instead, the focus is on what is currently happening in your life and how this can be shifted in a positive direction for you.

People who should choose therapy over coaching include those who are stuck in the past (either because of a traumatic

event or relationship), those who have been caught up in substance abusing or those with mental health issues such as depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, etc.

Emotionally healthy people who would like to overcome limitations that society may have inadvertently placed on them, are perfect clients for coaching.  This would include the vast majority of people.

Surprisingly, coaching is typically quite effective in a short period of time, perhaps because it deals with what is happening now and why as opposed to dredging up the past and trying to understand it.

Choosing a coach with whom you feel at ease is very important.  Coaching should be an empowering process, where you (the client) through conversation with your coach, come up with not only the agenda but also the best course of action.