About Karen

Karen with statue of children

I, Karen Leeds,

am a






My best quality is my quirky sense of humor.  (See me here with my metal friends!) Laughter is the most powerful tool on the planet, underused by most and a key element of my personality.  (By the way, I’m not recommending you kiss a ferret, I just wanted you to see the real me…)

So what’s my story?

Years ago my life seemed very typical – suburban wife and mother complete with softball and Halloween.  Then suddenly my parents both got leukemia and died four months apart.  Two months later we sold the only house I remembered growing up in.  It was quite a shock.

I worried I might get leukemia and realized I wasn’t ready to bid farewell to my time above ground.  I wanted to be in a fantastic relationship with a soul mate!  I longed to feel alive instead of plodding through one day after another.

Where did your natural talents and knowledge come from?

Looking at my childhood you can see the roots of talents I use as a coach and author.

My quest to entertain – I was making people laugh since I was a year old.  My parents had a good friend who couldn’t sit across the dinner table from me.

My desire to write – I began writing poems at age five.

My hunger for knowledge about communication and relationships – I was an introvert and I loved to read and learn.  At age 14, I discovered self-development books and never looked back.  For decades, I read as many books as I could find.  I also took a number of transformational courses.

Fast forward decades later and I have learned a lot about life and want to share it with as many people as possible so I can make a difference.

Why life coach and author?

As a coach I empower people to live a fulfilling life.  I discovered it is fairly straightforward to put your life back on track toward your dreams.  (One client with 5 kids – all teens and twenty-somethings had a challenge with each of his young adult children.  I spent about an hour coaching him on each relationship and cleared up those issues for him.)

I have written three books so that I could reach people who might not know about coaching or how valuable life coaching can be.  Visit my Books page to read more information.

What do you want to leave as your legacy?

My mom was an artist and left behind thousands of paintings and helped found the Torpedo Factory Art Center in Alexandria, Virginia.  My dad wrote books and helped bring about the first elderly community in Reston, Virginia.  I want to leave behind a group of people who believe in their ability to have an amazing life today.  A group who aren’t willing to settle for just dreaming about their potential but understanding how to make it happen.  And they in turn would pass their attitude to their kids and community.

You’ve written 13 articles on Good Men Project?

Articles I have written for Good Men Project have shown me I can reach many people through the written blog or word.  That kind of power makes me crave more and more…mwa ha ha… (picture mad scientist laughing here).  Click here to read articles I have written. Frankly, they apply to women too.

How do you create magic?

I put a client’s current life and desires in a blender. I then magically pour out the life my clients long for, complete with amazing relationships, peace and empowerment.  (Think of it as a life smoothie as opposed to a spinach smoothie…)

Can you let us in on one secret?

Your beliefs are often the biggest obstacle to having the life you want (hopefully knowing this secret won’t disappoint you but as is the case with most magic, being close up is optimal for the most magical experience).

What kind of results do your clients get?

My clients/readers/fans/neighbors/dog find they can now devote time and energy to their passions. They also often experience:  

  • Joy
  • Free time
  • Energy
  • Confidence
  • Peace
  • Fantastic relationships
  • Success at work
  • Jealousy of friends (or other pets)

(Note:  clients may experience a bit of dizziness from the blender shaking process but that usually wears off soon enough…)

The life you choose to design surprisingly unfolds before your eyes (if stubborn folds don’t shake out over a week or two, wands can be tweaked).

So dust off those dreams you had put away in a lonely, forgotten corner.  Once again you can experience lighthearted, fulfilling relationships and spend quality time the way you choose. (Even if you just want to sit in your dog bed.)

Want to find out what past clients have to say about rediscovering time, energy, peace and freedom?

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Karen Leeds is a coach and author empowering people to recapture life’s magic.  She uses laughter and little-known secrets that she definitely did not learn as a management consultant and dance teacher.